Answers to build a store activity questions

    • What was the biggest challenge you faced in creating your store?
      My biggest challenge was to create the story and characteristics of products appealing to consumers. My demo-shop’s persona are people overseas who already started gardening during COVID-19 and are looking for new gardening tools at the next level. Since there are lots of merchants in this market such as from UK, I made an emphasis on why Japanese products and sustainability.

    • What worked really well when using our platform?
      Designing each session in home page. It was really easy to move sections and blocks using drag and drop and I think this feature just has started with Online store 2.0 from Unite 2021.

    • What could be improved when using our platform?
      There are few localized apps to Japanese market. Since its unique market, meaning there are few merchant can understand English, I think its critical to create more localized apps.

    • How did this experience help you build empathy for our merchants?This experience made me realize that even though what I did was front end design, there are a lot of things to consider in terms of marketing, design and payments. I felt that all of the company's strategies were condensed here.

    • What is your biggest takeaway from this experience?
      Shopify’s platform is really easy to use but there are still some points need to be updated especially for Japanese market. I would like to do all the best to listen to these kind voices from merchant and make shopifys products better and better.